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What Are The

Gene Keys

The Gene Keys are a beautiful contemplation profiling tool of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential. Each gene key represents an archetype that has a shadow, a gift, and a siddhi. The journey is to become aware of the shadow, recognise how it shows up for you and the dysfunctional patterns it creates and begin to embrace that shadow as a part of you until it transmutes into the gift and siddhi (pure light/highest potential).

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Genius Sequence

During the Retreat we will be looking at your Genius Sequence. This section allows you to profoundly recognise your true identity and embrace who you are really here to be.

The 4 sections are-

Life's Work- What you are here to bring to the world


Evolution- The roadblock you must breakthrough


Radiance- What supports your greatest vitality mentally/emotionally/spiritually


Purpose- What your journey has all been for

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Your Gene Keys profile is not a prescriptive text, it is an opportunity to contemplate the varying energies and archetypes found within your profile and listen for your own wisdom and answers. It is a gentle, ongoing journey beyond the maya and into the depths of your heart and soul.

It is a life long source of information that allows you to come back time and time again and meander through the uncoverings at your own pace. You will not leave the Retreat with a book of answers, moreso a ticket to a whole new way of understanding yourself and the gifts you are here to bring to the world.

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